Welcome back Sweethearts! It is a new year and 2014 is history! By the end of every year I like to go on my phone or computer and look at pictures and videos and remember all the highlights events that made this year awesome. On the fashion and beauty industry AKA My World, we also have our favorite products, outfits, fashion trends, statement pieces, and all that stuff, so I decided to write about my highlights of 2014 but adding something else, since I'm a youtuber and a normal person like anyone else reading this I like, book, movies, tv shows, and on the youtube world we tend to add those categories on our favorites (monthly or yearly) videos. -That was quite a long intro for this post, Ups-. Anyways let's jump right into the fun, interesting stuff.
Let's begin with our beauty items. For makeup products I have a few but I didn't want to boom you with a bunch of makeup so I ended up picking my "Can't live without" products.
My Neutral Sephora Palette: I got this at the end of 2013 and holy mother of god this product is perfect you can achieve an amazing amount of looks, if you check out my youtube channel you will see I use it probably in every single tutorial.
MAC Pro-Longwear Concealer: I used this so many times I have them on 2 shades, 1 in my skintone and 1 a few shades lighter. So I used the one that match my skin to cover up blemishes and if I was to lazy to wear foundation I will just apply this everywhere since it has one of the best coverage ever seen in a product, and the lighter one I used it to highlight my face. This 2 where the perfect combination for my face.
ELF Contouring Blush & Bronzer: I have it on the shade Turks Caicos. This is such and amazing product I need to get a new one since I used up all the blush and the only reason I have not hit pan in the bronzer side is probably because it is really dark and pigmented and I have to be careful and not apply too much. I'm going to be honest at first I didn't like the bronzer that much because it was kinda hard for me to work with it but after playing around with it a little bit I got the hang of it.
Maybelline The Falsies Mascara: This is my holy grail mascara, it really make my eyelashes look big with so much volume the only thing I will recommend is to get the non-waterproof formula because I have the waterproof one and I struggle every night to take it off.
For nails I picked a dark and 2 light nail polish:
Essie in Fishnet Stocking: It is the perfect red no to wine or to bright, It is perfect! I used it so much on the fall season, and I still use it for the winter.

Orly in Cut The Cake: this is a shimmery light beige color that you can use to top off any other light nail polish like an accent nail, or you can use it as it owns since it has a really nice coverage overall. I love it mostly during the winter because it looks so frosty like snowflakes that I feel like it goes perfectly with the season.
Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in Gray-t Escape: it is a light vintage rose kinda color I don't really know how to explain it since it is not a color you find in any nail polish brand, it is not the typical light pink that tends to be on the bright side it is more like a warm color that will look perfect if you apply a Matte Top Coat over it.
I'm quite a movie freak I love most type of movies except for horror movies -then I can't sleep, and get scared of darkness- and this year I got so caught up on Netflix I wouldn't sleep watching movies. So here goes My TOP 5 favorite movies.

- Waiting For Forever: Is the most amazing movie ever I have watch it a million time and never get tired of it -a little secret I always cry like a baby with this movie-. It is about an almost home-less free-spirit guy call Will who makes a living as a juggle in public places and he goes around the country following his childhood love call Emma who was his bestfriend until one day they got separated and he never got over it but he is to shy to make contact until he follows her back to their home town.
- The Amazing Spider Man 2: I feel like everyone has watch this movie I was totally not expecting this at all I was in shock at the end of the movie and I don't want to spoil it to anyone that has not watch it -If you haven't watch it GO AND DO IT- so basically this movie has a braking point that any other Marvel movie had and I think that's what made the difference.
- MockingJay: I don't have words to express how I feel about this movie. It is perfection. This movie shows what it is actually happening in many Latin contries, Asians and Africa and many other parts of the world with dictatorship but they do it in a more sciences fiction kinda way which makes it more light to watch and I find that genius.
- Love Happens:This is a COMANTIC movie (that's my way to pair up the romantic and comedy genre). It is a endering drama about love and loss with just enough comedy thrown in to make it fun. You want to know something it is NOT a CHEESY movie -boom that was a slap on your face- It is about a slef-guru (Aaron Eckhart) that writes a book about how he got over his wife death but he lies because he really never got over it and that may cost him a chance at happines with a florist (Jennifer Aniston) that he meets in a hotel while he is in tour.
- Breakfast at Tiffany's: Not much to say I don't really know why I love this movie so much but there is something on it that is lovely, and Audrey Hepburn is amazing. This movie shows how the world used to be at the 60's party, drinking, smoking, fancy dresses, the high social class elite life, but the girl was actually broke but she fit in so well. Every girls dream on my opinion.
I feel like I have write so much already this is going to be a crazy long post, but anyways here are my favorite shows I'm not done watching them but until now they are awesome.
- Once Upon A Time: at first I saw the commercial and I didn't like it until one day my sister made me watch and episode and that was enough to make me fall in love for it.
- Orange Is The New Black: This is my bestfriend's fault she got me into this show and it is amazing it has drama, romance, and comedy too.
- Vampire Diaries: I got obsessed on this thanks to a nice friend and I got my mom and my sis obsessed to a sick point. Hands down best science fiction show ever. I'm not a fan of supernatural kind of show but this one is probably my fave.
I was the kind of girl that did not read not even the school books but it wasn't because I didn't wanted to but because I had a vision problem and I could not focus my vision on a book for more than 15 minutes, my vision would get blurry and I'll get really bad headaches but I finally got glasses and now I can read and I have kinda become a book worm but for 2014 I could only read 2 books and I love them.

- Fifty Shades Of Grey by E. L. James: This book is amazing. I could not buy the rest in Venezuela (where I'm currently leaving until Jan30th) but as soon as I get back to Miami I'll finish reading all of them.
- The Vampire Diaries: Awekening by L. J. Smith: I have always been obsessed with Vampire Diaries Tv.Show and when I found out that they were actually books I had to get them and read them. At first when I started reading them I got a little bit disappointed about it because the books is really different from the tv show but I keep on reading and it is pretty good it has a lot of similar things. I'm currently reading the second book.
This is it for my 2014 highlight. I know it is a bit longer than my usual post but I had to think a lot about this and I put a lot of effort to make it as quick and enjoyable as possible.
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FTC: All opinions in this post are honest and my own. NOT SPONSORED.